
Showing posts from June, 2021
💗  GOD CREATED ADAM , a human, out of dust…and Eve out of Adam’s rib, because God wanted companionship and a person to maintain God’s order. This happened only 6-8,000 years ago, according to the Bible. Adam and Eve’s job was to glorify God and His creations…to care for them.   Adam and Eve gave into TEMPTATION.   Sin overwhelmed the world. God was sorry he ever created humans, so He destroyed everyone in the Great Flood. He kept one family, however…Noah had always obeyed God. So, through Noah, new life began…a second chance for humans to worship their maker.   Many did…among them were Moses, Daniel, Abraham, David, etc. But multiples more did not worship God as they should. They thought only of themselves. They did not realize what a loving and giving God they had.     💗💗  GOD gave us another chance.   GOD BECAME JESUS , a human, because He wanted to unify all nations of His children in turning from sin to start a new life glorifying their maker, as Adam and