The parents who are on top of things will begin educating their children while still in the womb.  Read to your child. Keep your temper. Be calm and love God. Pray. Instilling Christ into their lives from birth promotes a healthy all-around atmosphere for the whole family.

   As a teacher, I saw children who struggled to survive in the classroom while others excelled. I was one who struggled. God was present in our home, but Christ was clearly absent. Christ promotes self-worth, self-confidence, and a clear understanding of our mission on earth…to prepare for an eternity with our Lord.

   As a public librarian, I witnessed families entering the library together, picking out books together, and filling bags with reading material to last a week…when they returned to repeat the process, week after week. Those children returned with their children to do the same thing. It’s the same with Christ. Instill Jesus’ love, trust, faith, and confidence in your children and they will carry on with their own children.

   Teens tend to fly around…experimenting, and questioning. This is just their budding independence trying to figure out if Mom and Dad were really right about some things.  Encourage them to study the Bible for themselves. Encourage them to ask you questions and get answers (if you don’t know the answer, research it with them). A firm raising with Christ will bring them back to understanding Him. 

   1 Corinthians 15:33 “Bad company corrupts good character.” Paul was actually quoting a proverb from Menander’s Thais, a Greek dramatic comedy written over 300 years before.                

   Your faith rubs off on your kids. Discuss with them, answer their questions, pray with them, and live Christlike. They will think twice before falling into temptation.

   As a writer, I hope to share Jesus Christ with whoever will be interested in my views. I encourage your response. We are all God’s children.

   Miss Marsha
